Firewall rules not blocking controller to registry traffic


You use a cloud provider like GCP and have set up firewall rules to block all traffic. You then create a firewall rule allowing traffic from your Anka Build Cloud Controller to your Registry.

Someone then on your team disables the firewall rule allowing traffic from your Anka Build Cloud Controller to your Registry. However, the Controller looks as if it’s still working and able to talk to the Registry.


Certain cloud providers only apply firewall rules to new connections, not ones that exist at the time of the firewall rule being created/enabled. In the Controller, we use code that keeps existing connections open so they can be reused. This means that the firewall rule will not apply to existing connections, but will apply to new connections. To prevent this, you can set ANKA_MAX_IDLE_CONNECTION_PER_HOST to -1 in your Controller and it will not keep existing connections open. This can impact performance, but will also immediately show you if there is a communication problem between the Controller and Registry.

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